Test utilities

from hspatial.test import setup_test_raster

hspatial.test.setup_test_raster(filename, value, timestamp=None, srid=4326)

Creates a 3x3 raster file for use in unit tests.

filename is the filename of the raster that will be created, e.g. os.path.join(self.tempdir, "myraster.tif").

value is a 3x3 numpy array with the values of the raster, e.g. np.array([[1.1, nan, 1.3], [2.1, 2.2, nan], [3.1, 3.2, 3.3]]).

If timestamp is specified, it must be a datetime object. In that case, the TIMESTAMP attribute is set as metadata in the file.

srid can be 4326 or 2100. If it is 4326, the top left corner has latitude 22.0, longitude 38.0, and the step is 0.01 degree (so the lower right corner has latitude 22.02, 37.98). If it is 2100, the top left corner has coordinates (320,000, 4,210,000) and the step is 1000 meters, so the lower right corner is (322,000, 4,208,000).