import hspatial

hspatial.idw(point, data_layer, alpha=1)

Uses the inverse distance weighting method to calculate the value for a single point.

data_layer is an ogr.Layer object containing one or more points with values (all data_layer features must be points and must also have a value attribute, which may, however, have the value NaN). point is an ogr.Point object. This function applies the IDW method to calculate the value of point given the values of the points of data_layer. Points with a value of NaN are not taken into account in the calculations.

Distances are raised to power -alpha; this means that for alpha > 1, the so-called distance-decay effect will be more than proportional to an increase in distance, and vice-versa.

hspatial.integrate(mask, data_layer, target_band, funct, kwargs={})

Performs integration on an entire surface.

mask is a gdal dataset whose first band is the mask; the gridpoints of the mask have value zero or non-zero. data_layer is an ogr.Layer object containing one or more points with values (all data_layer features must be points and must also have a value attribute, which may, however, have the value NaN). target_band is a band on which the result will be written; it must have the same GeoTransform as mask, and these two must be in the same co-ordinate reference system as data_layer. funct is a python function whose first two arguments are an ogr.Point and data_layer, and kwargs is a dictionary with keyword arguments to be given to funct.

This function calls funct for each non-zero gridpoint of the mask.

NOTE: It is assumed that there is no x_rotation and y_rotation (i.e. that mask.GetGeoTransform()[3] and [4] are zero).

hspatial.create_ogr_layer_from_timeseries(filenames, epsg, data_source)

Creates and returns an ogr.Layer with stations as its points.

filenames is a sequence of filenames; each file must be a timeseries in file format that includes the Location header. This function transforms the co-ordinates so that they are in the reference system specified by epsg (an integer), and creates a layer in the specified ogr data_source whose features are points; as many points as there are stations/timeseries; each point is also given a filename attribute.

hspatial.h_integrate(mask, stations_layer, date, output_filename_prefix, date_fmt, funct, kwargs)

Given an area mask and a layer with stations, performs spatial integration and writes the result to a GeoTIFF file. The h in the name signifies that this is a high level function, in contrast to integrate(), which does the actual job.

mask is a raster with the area of study, in the form accepted by integrate(). stations_layer is an ogr.Layer object like the one returned by create_ogr_layer_from_timeseries(); mask and stations_layer must be in the same co-ordinate reference system. date is a datetime object specifying the date and time for which we are to perform integration. The filename of the resulting file has the form output_filename_prefix-d.tif, where d is the date formatted by datetime.strftime() with the format date_fmt; however, if date_fmt contains spaces or colons, they are converted to hyphens. funct and kwargs are passed to integrate().

If some of the time series referenced in stations_layer don’t have date, they are not taken into account in the integration. If no time series has date, the function does nothing.

The function stores in the output file a gdal metadata item that records the list of input files from which the output has been calculated. This can be the same as the list of files in stations_layer, but it can be less if some of these files do not include date. If the output file already exists, the function examines the recorded list and checks whether it has been calculated from all available data (occasionally more data becomes available between subsequent runs); if yes, the function returns without doing anything.

hspatial.extract_point_from_raster(point, data_source, band_number=1)

data_source is a GDAL raster. point is either an OGR point, or a GeoDjango point object. The function returns the value of the pixel of the specified band of data_source in which the point falls.

point and data_source need not be in the same reference system, but they must both have an appropriate spatial reference defined.

If the point does not fall in the raster, RuntimeError is raised.

class hspatial.PointTimeseries(point, filenames=None, prefix=None, date_fmt=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, default_time=dt.time(0, 0, tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc))

A class that can extract a point timeseries from a set of rasters.

The set of rasters is specified either with filenames or with prefix. Exactly one of these must be None. filenames, if specified, must be a sequence or set of names of raster files which should contain the same variable in different times; for example, the rasters can be representing spatial rainfall, each raster at a different time. If, instead, prefix is specified, the raster files are named prefix-timestamp.tif. In that case, the timestamp must be in the format specified by date_fmt. If date_fmt is None, the format is either %Y-%m-%d or %Y-%m-%d-%H-%M, whichever matches.

However, when creating the time series, the timestamp is obtained from the TIMESTAMP GDAL metadata item of each raster, which must be in ISO 8601 format. The timestamp on the filename is only used when determining whether it’s worth to open a file or not (e.g. because a start timestamp or end timestamp has been requested, or because it is being determined whether a cache is up-to-date).

point is either an OGR point object or a GeoDjango point object. It need not be in the same reference system as the rasters; however, the rasters must contain spatial reference (projection) information, and so must point, so that it is converted if necessary.

If start_date or end_date are specified, only that part of the time series is read from the rasters. This is only valid when the class has been initialized with a prefix (not with a list of filenames).

If the TIMESTAMP GDAL metadata item of the raster does not contain a time, then default_time is assumed. default_time must be aware. If TIMESTAMP does contain a time, but not a time zone, then the time zone from default_time is used.


Extracts and returns a HTimeseries object that corresponds to the values of the point in the rasters.

Usage example:

from glob import glob

from osgeo import ogr, osr

from hspatial import PointTimeseries

point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint)

# Specify that the point uses the WGS84 reference system
sr = osr.SpatialReference()
if int(gdal.__version__.split(".")[0]) > 2:

# Point's co-ordinates (in WGS84 it's latitude and longitude)
point.AddPoint(23.78901, 37.98765)

filenames = glob('/var/opt/hspatial/rainfall*.tif')

ts = PointTimeseries(point, filenames=filenames).get()
get_cached(dest, force=False, version=4)

This is like get(), but in addition to returning an object, it saves the time series to the file with filename dest, in file format. It works only when the class has been initialized with a prefix (not with filenames).

If the file does not already exist, or if force is True, the time series is extracted from the rasters and written to the file, overwriting it if it existed.

If the file already exists and force is False, the time series file is overwritten only if it is not up to date. A time series file is considered to be up to date if it contains records for all the timestamps of the rasters and only those. Thus, the time series file is opened and read in order to compare its timestamps with the timestamps of the rasters.

The time series is returned, whether it was extracted from the rasters or read from an up-to-date dest.

The version parameter is passed to HTimeseries’s .write() method.

hspatial.coordinates2point(x, y, srid=4326)

Returns an ogr.Geometry object of type point. If srid=4326, x is the longitude and y is the latitude.